Retail Facade Cleaning

Professional Shop, Hotel, Warehouse & Retail Cleaning

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Retail Specialist Cleaning

Our cleaning services to the retail sector offers regular out of hours cleaning to shop fronts office buildings and low level facades. Often carried out during weekend working to avoid disruption the retailers and public whilst keeping their shop facades in pristine condition. Followed by regular planned maintenance this will retain the buildings cleaned façade.

Retail Facade Cleaning

SMB Restoration specialises in the cleaning and restoration of natural stone, masonry and brickwork for homes, offices, retail shops, hotels and commercial projects. No project is too large for our team - we utilise cutting edge technology and access platforms, where necessary, to clean and restore natural stone, historic brickwork or modern stone and masonry.

Stone and masonry become stained and dirty over time: rainwater, pollution, dirt, grime, moss, weeds all build up on the surface and make it look dirty and unattractive. Unfortunately, illegal graffiti and vandalism is also a problem - instantly making a retail building look rundown and unprofessional.

It can be tempting to try and resolve this problem yourself or have a member of your team attempt to clean your building, however overzealous cleaning and use of harsh or incorrect cleaning agents can make this kind of work tedious and can actually cause damage to the surface of the stone or masonry.
It's far better to utilise a specialist cleaning company like ourselves - one with the training, equipment and experience to remove dirt, grime and graffiti and restore your building back to its original brilliance whilst leaving the surface stone or brick underneath untouched.

We utilise super-heated water, steam and swirl abrasion technology to effectively clean stonework and masonry without causing damage.

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Catherdral Stone Cleaning

Accredited By:

Commercial Building Cleaning for Shops

Superheated water cleaning systems like ThermaTech can produce a water mist up to 150°C making it highly effective for stripping away soot, grease oil, organic matter and staining from natural stone and brick without the use of any chemicals. The superheated spray is also capable of breaking down and removing paint, chewing gum and graffiti. Because the water is superheated it evaporates away before it can permeate the stone or brick. This prevents trapped water from freezing, expanding and causing cracking when temperatures drop.

Vortech is a swirling vortex abrasion system that carries a specially selected abrasive using a flow of compressed air that is mixed with water and pumped out in a vortex at the substrate that requires cleaning. This is great for removing engrained dirt and other coatings but gentle enough for use on even historic or heritage stonework.

We're able to sympathetically clean away the following materials without damaging the surfaces beneath:

  • Biological growth such as moss, algae or lichen
  • Pollution build-up from vehicles or factories
  • Staining from rainwater
  • General dirt, grease and grime
  • Paint and graffiti
  • Chemical build up such as copper sulphate run-off from bronze plaques

Large Shop and Hotel Facade Cleaning

Whether you need a shop unit, office building, warehouse or hotel cleaned we have the experience and equipment needed. The outside of your premises is the first impression a visitor will have of your business if it is dirty, stained or covered in graffiti that will immediately reflect on your image.

A facade usually refers to the highly visible front area of a building where the entrance is located and these can be made from glass, stone, wood or metals such as stainless steel or aluminium. As the elements take their toll on your building the original material will become stained and dirty over time, looking gradually less attractive.
Facade cleaning is the process of ensuring the exterior of a building is cleaned of any dirt, grime, stains, pollution, moss, weeds or unwanted paint.

Can I clean my building facade myself?

Depending on the type of material your facade if constructed from it may be possible to carry out this process yourself - however, this can be a time consuming and difficult task, particularly with larger buildings.
Using the correct equipment, cleaning agents and clothing is extremely important and you will most likely need to work at height above the ground - so it is essential that health and safety training is provided.

In particular, if you have facade made from natural stone, we highly advise against trying to clean this yourself as you may cause irreparable damage.

Unless you are cleaning a very small building, hiring a professional facade cleaning company is a much better solution as you don't need to worry about safety, damaging your building or inconveniencing your visitors and you'll also save yourself a lot of time and exertion. Not to mention that the end results from cleaning by experienced professionals with a full range of equipment are likely to be far better.