Stone Staircase Cleaning

Expert Cleaning Service of Staircases

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Staircase Cleaning Specialists

SMB Restoration Ltd is a specialist stone cleaning and restoration company that employs the latest technology and years of experience to sensitively clean historic or ornate stonework, including stone staircases.
We are able to remove multiple layers of paint, plaster, levelling compounds and adhesive from Portland stone cantilever staircases and restore them back to their original condition.

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Stone Staircase Cleaning Service

Cleaning a standard modern staircase is a straightforward process but when dealing with buildings of architectural or historical significance a much more specialised and careful process needs to be undertaken or there is a risk of irreparable damage to the stone.

We can clean both interior and exterior stone staircases to the highest standards.
No project is too large for our expert team - we can carefully clean and restore cantilever staircases, spiral stone staircases or any other configuration.

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Stone Staircase Refurbishment

Portland Stone Step Cleaning

Portland stone is famed for its uniformity of colour, high density and low porosity and this is why it is seen all over London.
Portland stone steps are known for being naturally slip resistant, but only if they are kept clean from dirt, dust, grease and grime. This is especially important if your Portland stairs are outside or in a damp environment as moss and algae can grow and make them dangerous to use.

Our expert stone cleaning team are able to restore natural Portland stone staircases to their clean, original beauty.
We're able to remove built-up layers of paint, plaster, levelling compounds, adhesive as well as the accumulation of dirt, grime and pollution from Portland stone stairs.

We're able to sympathetically clean away the following materials without damaging the surfaces beneath:

  • Biological growth such as moss, algae or lichen
  • Pollution build-up from vehicles or factories
  • Staining from rainwater
  • General dirt, grease and grime
  • Paint and graffiti
  • Chemical build up such as copper sulphate run-off from bronze plaques

Historic Staircase Cleaning

The cleaning and restoration of historic stonework, including staircases, should only be undertaken by trained specialists as overzealous cleaning or use of harsh chemicals can cause more damage to the stonework than good.

Historic stone cleaning and restoration is our area of particular expertise. We utilise a very wide range of highly adjustable low-pressure, super-heated or swirl abrasive technology combined with traditional masonry knowledge to ensure a balance between restoring the original lustre of the stone without wearing it down or causing damage to it.
All exterior structures accumulate dirt, staining from rainwater and the build-up of organic matter like moss but stairs are especially prone to this due to the footfall over them.

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War memorial restoration